Too often, I
find that business professionals spend hours working on things that do not help
them reach their goals. Many people do not have a plan of how they will be
successful. As the old saying goes, they fly by the seat of their pants.

courtesy of Flare at
My friend,
Bob Lamp’l with Business Plans and More writes some of the best business plans in the world but he says, “Too
often, people will write a business plan just to secure financing from a lending
institution or some colleagues told them they need a plan. These types of
people will pay someone to write their business plan or write it themselves,
then they put it on the self and it becomes a dust collector. One saying that I
love to use is, ‘Your business plan is a living document. It is both your
blueprint and your navigation system for success.’ It has to be reviewed on a
regular basis and followed.”
Business professionals need to pay attention to Bob’s wisdom. Don’t just show
up and expect things to happen. Don’t expect to be inundated with a plethora of
business when you don’t have a plan in place to make it happen.
If you are
in business, even if you feel like you do not have the perfect situation, put
your best plan in place and operate according to the plan. I have seen people
who want to wait until XYZ takes place before they will do anything.
My friend, Dr.
Ivan Misner says it best, “Ignorance on fire is better than knowledge on ice.”
What are you
doing? Are you flying by the seat of your pants? Are you wasting time on things
that does not help you reach your goal?
piddling and start doing the daily activity that will help you reach your goal.
Don’t complain about the economy, politics, your spouse, your children, your
bad luck or any number of other things.
What will you do today to help you reach your goals? Leave a comment below.
Make it happen today!
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James Barber
Author of The Networking Guru
For Speaking Engagements
Call 770.287.3131